Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.

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News articles that relate to spam...

We hope that these particular news articles will help to encourage people not to send junk eMail, and detour those who've never sent spam before from doing so.

Good-bye to middle class ISPs
... the internet will eventually be divided into two classes -- the "upper class" anti-spam ISPs who strongly oppose junk eMail v. the "lower class" spam-friendly ISPs who don't care ...
Novell Settles Claims Against Phoenix Spammer
... Novell announced it has settled its claims in Novell v. Groves in which the defendant was alleged to have intentionally misused Novell's free e-mail service, MyRealBox, to send unsolicited commercial bulk e-mail, or "spam." ...
US warns Nigeria over online fraud schemes
Online schemes operating out of Nigeria that have defrauded victims out of tens of millions of dollars have become so pervasive that the U.S. government has given the West African country until November to take steps to decrease such crimes or face sanctions. ...
Woman falls for Nigerian scam, steals $2.1m from law firm
A bookkeeper for Michigan law firm Olsman Mueller & James has been taken for $2.1m by Nigerian 419 fraudsters, the Detroit Free Press reports. ...
Two Spammers Shot Dead
Two spammers were found dead in New Jersey, USA, on October 28th, 1999.  The murders were reported as execution style killings ...

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