Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.

Solutions   →   Internet site planning and development

[Internet wave]

[Letters: WSPD] We build, and host, effective internet web sites to suit your company's needs, without excluding specific audiences such as the blind (text-to-speech software) and individuals using older internet software.  Your web site is the window to the world through the "information superhighway."  Our unique planning process is designed to ensure quality and meet your highest expectations.

If you have any questions, or would like to meet with us, click on the "contact us" link at the bottom of any page on this site, send eMail to, or telephone us at 604.277.8785.


Samples of our work

[Unicode art] Unicode art is a web site that encourages Unicode art -- the successor to ASCII art.  The design emphasizes a mixture of bright colours for the menus, with some limited use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) technology to enhance the user interface in a subtle manner.  Graphical versions of the artwork is included in order to accomodate web browsers that don't support Unicode.

[George Geraghty Personal Law Corporation] The George Geraghty Personal Law Corporation site contains useful information for the general public as well as presenting the various services offered.  The full color image of the "scales of justice" on the home page were developed from a variety of black and white images.


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