Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.


Tools (hammer and wrench) by Clker-Free-Vector-Images on Pixabay Your core strengths and specialities are key to your success, and technology that's reliable and efficient plays an important role as a major tool for you and your staff to communicate with clients, coordinate with vendors and consultants, and complete the important work you do.

Information technology that's easy to use and functions properly requires a proactive approach to prevent predictable problems and to respond effectively to unexpected technical challenges.  Our professional services include preventive maintenance, firewall configuration, security solutions, monitoring, data encryption, corporate VPN connections (for secure remote access), and a wide variety of any other important services that you need.

What we offer

Who we serve

  • Business (all sizes, local and multi-national)
  • Government agencies
  • Educational institutions
  • Military and policing authorities
  • Health care industry
  • Small business (local and international)

When we serve

  • During regular business hours and after hours
  • Pre-scheduled support
  • Unscheduled on-demand support
  • High-priority response emergency support

How to contact us

Solutions Services Support Products Home Login Company Contact
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