Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.

Company profile   →   Executive team

Our executive team posess a strong diversity of skill sets, in-depth technical knowledge, and practical experience.  These traits are unique in some areas, and overlap in others, which is essential for a successful team with a cohesive working relationship to create variety in perspectives that all its members can naturally appreciate and understand.

Our slogan of "simplifying complexity" summarizes one of the primary foundations of our business philosophies, which is to provide reliable solutions aimed at helping people utilize computer systems more effectively and efficiently as dependable tools.


Randolf Richardson, CNA
Chief Executive Officer
In the early 1990s Randolf founded Inter-Corporate to provide information technology and internet services and business consulting expertise to a wide range of small- and medium-sized businesses, and government institutions.  Prior to this he worked in support and management roles at a variety of information technology companies, and as a network administrator at a multi-national engineering company where he overhauled the network infrastructure by consolidating servers, upgrading the WAN, enforcing software licensing requirements, and standardizing the internal 120-node computer system and related business policies as an important part of a successful ISO 9001 Certification process.

Randolf's technical specialties include all manners of support and systems deployment, internet site and infrastructure implementation (beginning in the 1990s), software development (beginning in the 1980s), and implementation of computer and data encryption solutions for privacy protection.  Randolf's roles at Inter-Corporate have included systems deployment, overseeing customer relations, general management, and business strategy formulation.

Accomplishments:   Specialties:
  • Certified NetWare Administrator (CNA) designation (early-to-mid 1990s)
  • Standardized a 120-node computer system and relevant business policies to comply with ISO 9001 Certification requirements
  • Implemented an eMail server that processed more than 50,000 messages daily with consistent delivery turn-around times faster than 3 seconds
  • Deployed more than 500 internet web sites for an extensive variety of organizations and individuals
  • Managed systems for more than 50 companies as an independent consultant
  • For a non-profit charity, designed and implemented a self-serve web-based membership management system with calendaring, reporting, and PayPal integration (for donations and subscriptions)
  • High-performance multi-platform computer systems networking
  • Unix/Linux (NetBSD, FreeBSD, Ubuntu, etc.)
  • Novell NetWare (versions 2 through 6.5)
  • Microsoft Windows Server (NT 4 and 2003)
  • Novell Directory Services (a.k.a., eDirectory)
  • Xen, QEMU, and VirtualBox virtualization technologies
  • SQL server technologies (PostgreSQL, Oracle 8i)
  • Non-SQL database technologies (dBASE, BTrieve, Tab, CSV, proprietary flat file designs)
  • Java, Perl, ModPerl 2, Assembler, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, Dynamic HTML, CSS
  • Internet protocols (DNS, SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, NNTP, IRC, NICNAME, Finger, TelNet, FTP, HTTP, SSH, SSL)
  • Samba
  • OpenVPN (private/encrypted communications)
  • TrueCrypt (data encryption)


Adrian Glover
Adrian's career has been focused on system development and quality assurance in a variety of roles including programming, research and development, and project management.  He has extensive experience in the day-to-day operations of a nation-wide software company where his specialties in the interoperation of multiple operating systems, as well as interfacing multiple complex software and hardware systems, was an asset.

Adrian's roles at Inter-Corporate include advising on business development, project management, and designing architecture for complex solutions.

Accomplishments:   Specialties:
  • Managed 2 million dollar portfolio of projects anually
  • Deployed more than 30 business-critical telecommunications and web systems throughout North America representing approximately 12 million dollars in service revenue
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) designation (July 31, 2007)
  • Computer Systems Technology diploma (1999) with a specialization in Data Communications
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008
  • Unix/Linux (OpenBSD, RedHat, Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)
  • Google Android
  • Apple products (including MacOS, and iOS)
  • SQL server technologies (PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL)
  • VMware virtualization technology
  • Samba
  • Java, Perl, C, Objective-C, SQL, JavaScript and HTML, CSS

See also

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