Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, inc.

Products   →   Freeware   →   PwdGenD.NLM

Password Generator Protocol Daemon

PWDGEND.NLM extends the NetWare Operating System by adding support for the PWDGEN protocol (see RFC972).  When a client connects to the server through TCP port 129, six randomly generated eight-character passwords are sent as the response, and then the connection is termination.  More information can be found in the documentation and F.A.Q.

This utility, which was written purely in assembly, is freeware.  Copy it, distribute it, and use it as you see fit, as long as you don't modify it in any way.  You assume all risk and liability for the use of this module by using it.

Current version:  PWDGEND.NLM v1.00

The major version is increased when new features are added.  Minor versions are increased when new features are enhanced or largely significant bugs are fixed.  The letter at the end of the version number is increased when minor changes are made to the code or low-impact bugs are fixed.

Novell checksum:  7BEE DC62 53B0 9AFC 285E 489C
  • To ensure the file isn't damaged, type NDIR PWDGEND.NLM /VER at the DOS prompt to calculate the Novell checksum.
  Online documentation:
File downloads: Additional information:

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